What to Expect From Cellulaze® for Cellulite

What to Expect From Cellulaze® for Cellulite

You’re looking forward to the summer and fun in the sun. As you move from jeans to cutoffs, shorts, and bathing suits, does the reveal show thighs that look like cottage cheese? Cellulite is a problem that mainly affects women. Up to 90% of women have some degree of cellulite. It can appear well before other signs of aging start to show up; you can start seeing cellulite in your 20s and 30s

At Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Matthew Baker can whisk away those cellulite dimples on your skin using a revolutionary laser technology called Cellulaze®.  

How does Cellulaze work? 

Cellulaze laser treatment includes a multipronged approach that smooths away cellulite. When you have cellulite, pockets of fat coagulate and press against the connective tissue under your skin, which causes the dimpling effect. As you age, your skin becomes thinner, which makes cellulite’s appearance more pronounced.

The Cellulaze laser’s heat energy melts the fat and eases pressure on the connective tissue, leaving your skin’s surface smoother. It can also increase the thickness of your skin. In addition, the laser’s heat stimulates new collagen, a key protein that keeps your skin soft and supple. 

What happens at a Cellulaze appointment? 

You lie comfortably on a table. We administer a local anesthetic to numb your skin so you won’t feel pain. 

Dr. Baker makes one or two tiny incisions in the treatment areas and inserts a small laser fiber through a tube inside the incision site. We activate the laser, and it heats up and does its work. Your appointment may take one or two hours, depending on the size of the treatment area. 

What areas of the body can Cellulaze treat?

Cellulaze is most often used to treat the following areas of your body: 

How many Cellulaze appointments are needed? 

Many patients see excellent results with just one treatment. Results vary with each individual. 

Is Cellulaze treatment long-lasting and effective?  

Three-year clinical research studies show that Cellulaze lasts at least one year and can last longer.  

Is there any downtime after a Cellulaze appointment? 

There’s very little if any downtime after a Cellulaze appointment. You can resume normal activity after a couple of days. You may experience some bruising and swelling. 

Don’t wait any longer to free yourself of cellulite. Call or send a message to Lowcountry Plastic Surgery Center by H/K/B in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, today for an appointment to see what we can do to help you regain gain smooth, silky skin.

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